So we headed out to have a looked on Saturday 26th Feb and took some photo of the framework. And even more happy I have drainage set up for the rumpus room.
Photos taken Saturday 26th February 2011
Front (spare) bedroom
Looking towards top level, main bedroom and family room.
Side of house, garage.
Front entry level, garage, hallway etc.
Bottom level kids bedroom.
both kids rooms.
taken from one kids room into the other.
The drainage pipe in question in the rumpus room.
taken in rumpus room looking out rear door.
taken from loungeroom looking outside, nice view.
Taken from backyard looking towards rumpus and lounge rooms.
View from the street
View from front.
Hopefully we can get out mid week to see where they are at with it, if not will have to wait until the weekend. We are off the sign off on the kitchen in the morning, so we will have plans to add tomorrow.
Thanks for looking so far, we love your comments.
To be cont............
Its all coming together! This stage doesn't take long at all! Our bricks were up in a week!