Sunday, March 6, 2011

Frame all up.

I got a call from the builder on Tuesday 1st march and he told me to expect an email when I got home, yes number 2 progress payment to be signed off as the frame was all up. Awesome, things are flying along really good so far and with little hassle. So excited to see what it looked like at frame stage and so we could sign off we organised to both leave work a little earlier and go for a mid week drive out and check it out.

Wow, this gave us so much more perspective on what our house is going to be like and the elevation we have, we both love it. So as with everytrip we take out we took some of the following pictures, enjoy.

Looking from top level dining/family room

                                             Sliding door to go in here, top level family/dining

                                                                     Front of house

                                                                      Down the side


From the backyard




To be cont.................

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